Armin van Buuren: A Journey Through Time, Passion, and Evolution

Armin van Buuren: A Journey Through Time, Passion, and Evolution

In an intimate setting filled with the hum of eager anticipation at his Mumbai show during his India tour with Sunburn Festival, the revered Armin van Buuren – a legend in the realm of electronic music – settled into an enlightening conversation about his expansive career, the evolution of electronic music, and the myriad paths that the future holds.

“It’s been a good year,” Armin begins with a glint in his eye, reflecting the contagious optimism that is uniquely his own. The pandemic, with all its stifling restraints, seems like a distant memory now. “You can feel that the COVID days are now gone and everything’s open, and we party again like it’s 2019.”

2019 may seem not so distant in the rearview, but Armin’s journey reaches far beyond. Highlighting his performance on the iconic Dubai Burj Khalifa and receiving gold records, he offers a glimpse into his remarkable year of musical milestones.

Yet, with success, comes curiosity. A teaser on his Instagram hinted at a fusion of elements reminiscent of his old classic ‘Infinity’. But Armin, with his signature playfulness, teased, “I’m always working on new music.”

For someone who has witnessed the colossal growth of the electronic music industry from its nascent days, Armin’s insights are invaluable. Reminiscing about one of his earliest gigs in a modest club in Bombay called ‘Blue Frog’, he marvels at how he now headlines massive festivals and arenas. “I think if one thing in my career so far, I’m proud and honored to be part of this journey that electronic music has done,” he muses.

Discussing the hot topic of artificial intelligence in the music industry, Armin sees it as a tool rather than a replacement for human creativity. “I think it’s going to be very, very interesting,” he muses, drawing parallels to the early days of computer sequencers, which too were met with skepticism.

Up next for Armin is ADE 2023 where he will be a panelist at the ADE Pro Conference, and during his time at the conference, he is slated to talk about the evolution of his label, Armada, over 20 years, a testament to his commitment to electronic music. This commitment isn’t just a love for beats and melodies; it’s a passion that extends to the experiences music creates and the people it connects. “I love what it brings and it moves me as a human being,” Armin confesses, an artist truly moved by his craft.

For someone who has been at the zenith of his career for over two decades, the zest and excitement he radiates is akin to an artist just embarking on his journey. The secret? “I think on the one hand just playing what I love and on the other hand also slowing down a little bit. Earlier, I would do 130 gigs a year and now, it’s about 80! So I am able to spend a bit more time with my family. I have been working out, and I have also cut down on alcohol.” Armin reveals.

But the heart of the conversation, perhaps, lies in Armin’s profound sense of gratitude. “I’m here in India being received with open arms. This is not normal. I’m just a guy from the Netherlands that comes to India and people wanna listen to my music. I feel blessed.”

As we neared the end of our conversation, the indelible mark he left was of an artist who remains deeply connected to his roots, even as he soars to ever-greater heights. “I am still the same guy as I was when I started,” he assures, “I’m still the little kid with his tape deck, recording my favorite radio shows.”

Almost like a fitting end to our chat, Armin, ever the inquisitive soul, leaned in with a question that beautifully encapsulated the merging of cultures he’s experienced throughout his career. “What does ‘Namaste’ mean?” he asked. In its essence, ‘Namaste’ is more than just a traditional Indian greeting. It signifies respect, recognizing the divine spirit in another person. In many ways, Armin’s genuine curiosity about ‘Namaste’ perfectly symbolizes his own journey: always seeking, always connecting, and always celebrating the universal language of music and humanity.

For fans and newcomers alike, this sentiment serves as a comforting reminder: at its core, music is about connection, passion, and a shared journey through time. And artists like Armin van Buuren ensure that this journey is unforgettable.

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