Wu-Tang Clan provide printed guide to “Protect Ya Neck” amid coronavirus outbreak
Wu-Tang Clan have shared a printed guide on how to “Protect Ya Neck” amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Posting the guide on Twitter, the hip-hop outfit wrote: “Protect Ya Neck against the Coronavirus. We are making a few thousand prints and distributing them across New York City.
Feel FREE to do the same in your City.”
See the guide from Wu-Tang Clan below.
You can keep up to date with how the pandemic of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, is affecting the global electronic music scene here.
Protect Ya Neck against the Coronavirus. We are making a few thousand prints and distributing them across New York City. Feel FREE to do the same in your City.
Share and RT this to the world. #wutang pic.twitter.com/coS5M3WdiW— Wu Tang Clan (@WuTangClan) March 15, 2020